A disturbed heart not only affects the person but spreads like venom to the surroundings. The words uttered by a disturbed heart brings turmoil and pain to the heart it shared. The rest taken with the disturbed heart is void as it leads to a disturbed morning. And eventually a disturbed morning hands down a even more disturbed day. 

A disturbed mind spreads forth negativity and is eventually the source of negative energy. This not only makes a person gloomy but also tends to profuse it to the weaker people around. The ransom at most times are kids who loiter around. The feelings it creates are anguish, anxiety, anxiousness and worry. 

Children's ebullience is disturbed by the chaotic environment.This causes weariness,restlessness and frustration and in return spoils all efforts and yields nothing. A child is still water who is clear but when disturbed all the recorded memory curbs up to yield to disaster. 

An adult overcomes his disturbed state of mind in many different ways, but for a child its not so easy. Its like an active volcano about to erupt in a few cases or its like a dormant volcano that is never to be see. 

The choice to make a difference lies with us, monitoring our moods, setting alternative plans, spending time with dear ones, meditating and relaxing our mind with our soul.

Don't be a disturbance to anyone 
Be a dictator of your own life 


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