Morning assembly is a vital part of a morning routine in a school as a pupil or as a staff. The main reason for a school assembly is to develop a feeling of unity among all the learners and teachers and to develop the sense of self identity in school. Humans are social animals and this connection is essential for everyone to make and keep up connections.

Assemblies don't only unify everyone just as a community but also helps every individual be aware of the common rules of the community and ideals of the school. It is a platform

-  To familiarize the identity and roles of individuals,

-  appreciate ones with accomplishments   

- Give due recognition to worthwhile achievements 

- Opportunities to face big gathering 


And by the way with all the benefits an assembly has, we cannot deny it lays as a burden on the teacher's head when it comes to preparing for a class assembly. And further more disastrous when they fall up consecutively but don't worry, I guess that's why you are here. Be it an assembly that's for a greater purpose or for the daily routine, there are a  few common things that go handy at all times. 

The presentation goes like this   


Introductory note for prayer      

          Welcome note  

          Welcome quotes 

          Thought for the day  

A sample of conduction for assembly 

 - A very good morning to all present here. I am _______________ of class/grade _______ here to anchor today's assembly.  

- Good morning to one and all present here. _______________ (name) of ________(grade) is here helping you to walk through today's assembly. 

- A very good _____________ to one and all present here. On behalf of __________ I extend my warmest welcome to each and every one present here once again. I take great joy in welcoming all of you to this morning assembly.

- A cool Good morning/evening, Namaste, and a warm welcome to one and all present over here. I __________ am here conducting this morning assembly 

- Today ____________________ are here to conduct the assembly on behalf of  __________

- A beautiful morning to one and all present here. Lets all calm down and listen to one another for the little while we are gathered here. 

- A very pleasant morning to all.   I am __________ and I am ___________ representing _______________. See the bright opportunity in each new day 


Before we begin, we would like to seek the blessings of god . So here are my friends all prepared with __________________________

A beautiful life does not just happen, it is built daily by prayer, sacrifice, humility and hard work. Let’s begin our morning with thanking the almighty. 

We are just thankful to God for everything and all his blessings. Let’s remember our creator who guides and leads us all throughout. 


A few welcome quotes 

-Sunshine is a welcome thing it brings a lot of brightness. 

- People are either born to be hosts to receive and welcome 


 Born to be guests to receive welcome. 

- Welcome to our nest, our web, the family we belong to. 

- Welcome :) Our magic is your smile 

                     Our journey is an adventure 


                     Our story is your bond with us 

- Our greater weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to just try one or more times.






            You cant go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending. Hard times are not bad times. Every moment is life is harder than the previous. Many a times when the same situation comes ,we face it with ease without recalling the happenings in the past. Our mind tends to always look into the calm and pleasant times of our life and forget of how we had gained it.

            Times are never the same, life passes on like a river.We cannot collect the drops of water that has gone way passed us. Not everything that's done has all the efforts a person puts in. The end result is a persons essence of hard work , mixed with grace from above.


Why do people fail? When a person fails, he's got numerous reasons to blame. And guess what, that's the first mistake an individual can make to stay away from victory. Changes never happen when we blame someone for it. The simple answer is to look at the mirror and tell the person in the mirror "I fail because of me." Passing the blame helps none rather makes it worse. 

You need not to be born rich. Not every individual is born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Anybody can be rich. You can become rich or wealthy only if you want it and hope for it to happen. You have to fight for it. Victory comes hard. The key to win is inside a person. Its your integrity, people ability's, character, belief in yourself that takes you to unimaginable heights . 

When I look at myself in the mirror  

I see a successful person 

Standing proud and tall 

Shouldering responsibilities of many

Making all kith and kin proud.

The reason for a smile for the whole lineage 

Bringing all my dreams to life. 

All bruises and scars yielding much.

Honors and credit showering upon 

It may not have been possible 

If I'd turned my back 

All my pain is now paid back 

All mocking has renewed to laurels 

I am successful by my own deeds. 

                     -Adeline Barbara Dvaz

The renewed I 

            To attain all that's said, you need to follow a few steps. And I'll assure you with a constant check on these not only does your aim to success near but you would also find your attitude to be far more superior that you had been in the past.  

1. Take ownership

            When I say of taking ownership we always tend to see it in a narrow perspective, of taking up my own job, my own tasks and trying to put away others from getting into our business. But I am trying to tell you a far more important part to own. I am talking about our mistakes, problems , solutions , job, team, future and life. You are exactly right. I have heard what your mind said right now. You are fooled by your mind to believe that you have already been doing it and its a bitter truth that in many a times we really do not accept the errs from our side .We tend to blame somebody, or the situation or the time in our life. But don't feel bad, we are all humans and we all tend to make mistakes and contemplate them.

2. Fall back

            Yes, I meant fall back and don't worry you can grow back. I can assure you that a person with a strong will power falling back is just like a power start for a better hike. Psychology states that a human develops in a spiral manner rather than in linear manner.  So when you fall takes up the courage to stand up and walk and you can see you are moving up faster and firmer in the process of winning. 

3.Be optimistic 

                Its very easy to think little of ourselves, for we see ourselves in others and not in ourselves. No one is our reflection so stop looking into them for yourself. Be positive and gain your own strength to soar high like an eagle. 

4. Mold yourself 

                No-one is  perfect. Practice makes you better. So remember every perfect person had to get through his flaws to become who he is today. Nobody is born perfect either. On close supervision even a perfectionist would have flaws but with a difference he would justify them perfectly. 


5. Remember, Not all are meant to win

               You should always remember not everybody is meant to win. Its a war of the toughest to withstand and achieve and the feeble will lose their path midway. If you keep looking at others falling back you will never be able to pull yourself up and regain the place on your ladder. So its for you to choose the path, if its victory you choose look ahead and believe in yourself but if you would want to celebrate your self pity then you'll gradually forget your strength and fall back.    


Live and let live, learn and teach others. It is a dictum which is so easy to be spoken but rather very difficult to be put in action. It is such an idiomatic saying which comes with the true essence of peaceful coexistence.
Life's all about experience. Learning happens anywhere, among any circumstances and among all odds. Nature is the best teacher with mother as the first teacher. The most tender teacher to ever have. Who cares and yearns for the child to have the utmost best that could ever be claimed. You don't always need a classroom to learn. Not everything is learnt in a classroom. Not everything learnt has been planned. A word guides a thousand people and the same word changes all occurrences. When we tend to have a "no" for violence, dominance, racial discrimination the real sense of existence prevails.
 Charles Darvin quote "Life is a continuous struggle for the ‘survival of the fittest’".

Individuality is a unique feature of a person. The quality or character of a particular person or thing that distinguishes them from others of the same kind, especially when strongly marked. (

 A person with a strong individuality gets his way high beyond the highest peak and raises his standard to meet the best of his potentials. The individuality of a person makes a person stand aloof and distinct from the from the larger group. The best example for uniqueness is an eagle which lives aloof and dominates its surrounding with its own superiority.

To be distinguishable polishing and taming ourselves  is quite important. So lets look into a few tips and ways through which we can soar high like an eagle and reach the heights that we dream of. 

1. Stand alone- A heart of a person needs to be strong. A weak and relying heart cannot withstand the wind. The strength of a person lies in his individuality. Making it stronger and unique is taking a stand against all odds. An individual has to walk alone and make a stand for himself to make his heart realize and trust his every step. Not everyone will understand or support the stand you take. Many will stop you and point out consequences and negatives which they see through their own filters but its you who has to decide your stand. Nobody can bring you down unless and until you let them do it

2. Overcome negativity-  When there a lot to celebrate about oneself, an individual often looks at the darker side of life. His strength, power and confidence are never put to the test. You can never grown stronger if you don't fight the darker man in yourself. And if you listen to others and feed the darken man in you then the real you will be devoured . Decide who you would love to feed and nourish it with positivity. You will try anything if you are on the right track and you know where your heading to. 

3. Right companionship- Not everyone can touch the sky and if you are meant to touch the sky you'll have to do it all by yourself. Proxy system doesn't work. On your journey to success millions of encounters happen , hundred of people way pass you but only a few get synchronized with the goals and aims you have .Meeting these sky touchers are a part of tribute in the journey. And every person who aims to touch the sky has his own path and  Flies high and alone.

Love the storm- An individual who aims to achieve something stands aloof amidst all odds. You'll have to learn to face the challenge. Only then will you raise higher, become stronger and and yield powerfully.  Stop running from any turmoil or difficulty. A storm needs to excite you for you to go higher and see the horizons from different views. Perspectives and visions become stronger when you are in a disturbance.  

5. Circumvent from complain-
Complain not, keep this as a basic rule on your journey. The more you complain the more diverted from your path you go. The more you complain the firmer you get fixed to a place. A person who loves to fly beyond and achieve lets the bad behind him as he moves forward.  When you've decided to stand the storm complaining isn't the way, its only a deception. Don't avoid the circumstances that come towards you barge into them and let the negativity fear your way. T
he more you face the challenge , the more opportunities you get and  more dominant you'll become. So choose to be stronger and braver. 

6. Have a vision- A person without any aim reaches no where. Its like a person walking aimlessly around. To reach a destination a map is necessary and the map comes with efforts. So you need to concentrate on what you want to achieve.You need to focus on goals
and not on your fear. When you feed your goals the fear grows weaker and fades away. Stay away from distractions.Label your bind"No distractions" as you become lazier when you focus on distractions.Concentrate on one thing at a time to be successful.Never fear the obstacles counterfeit them.  

7. Live in the present-  You need to live at the moment.Don't live on the past for the past is dead. Consider it as  waste that's discarded. For what's gone is gone ,what's past is past. Live on reality neither the past nor 

8. Make the frame for yourself- You need to consider yourself special. You are one of a kind. None can be like you. Its a waste of time trying to be someone else. A fish has its strength in the water and if it tries to compete with a bird obviously it would fail and its mind would falsely accept the failure. Don't observe others moves or compare yourself with others. Remember you are unique and there isn't any other like you.   

9. Trust in yourself- As you now believe that you are one of a kind person its time to trust every step you take. Though you may fall a hundred times it doesn't matter in along run it all happens . Put your trust in yourself and test the trust of others before rendering yourself to others. 

10. Train hard-
Failures aren't the end. Remember that failures are the stepping stones to success. You aught to move away from comfort zone to 
evolve into the hard and stronger self you really are. Its better to sweat hard while you train rather than bleed at war. 

11. Proving yourself isn't necessary-  You need to run your own race and the victory also belongs solely to you.There isn't a need for you to prove people that you had taken the right decision. People will get to see it at the end. Those you speak behind your back stay behind your back they aren't going to overrun you in the long run. So keep up your spirits and run your race.  

A disturbed heart not only affects the person but spreads like venom to the surroundings. The words uttered by a disturbed heart brings turmoil and pain to the heart it shared. The rest taken with the disturbed heart is void as it leads to a disturbed morning. And eventually a disturbed morning hands down a even more disturbed day. 

A disturbed mind spreads forth negativity and is eventually the source of negative energy. This not only makes a person gloomy but also tends to profuse it to the weaker people around. The ransom at most times are kids who loiter around. The feelings it creates are anguish, anxiety, anxiousness and worry. 

Children's ebullience is disturbed by the chaotic environment.This causes weariness,restlessness and frustration and in return spoils all efforts and yields nothing. A child is still water who is clear but when disturbed all the recorded memory curbs up to yield to disaster. 

An adult overcomes his disturbed state of mind in many different ways, but for a child its not so easy. Its like an active volcano about to erupt in a few cases or its like a dormant volcano that is never to be see. 

The choice to make a difference lies with us, monitoring our moods, setting alternative plans, spending time with dear ones, meditating and relaxing our mind with our soul.

Don't be a disturbance to anyone 
Be a dictator of your own life 

Once upon a time, there lived a very dominating and prepossessing monkey. It lived in a redolent village which was ornated with gigantic blossoms. Everybody loved to call him Franti. One pleasant morning something disturbed him greatly. He decided to meet a maharishi who resided on the brow of the Himalayan range. His mind kept pondering with thoughts of every sort.

He began his expedition to find the maharishi, which was unlikely tougher than he had expected. The snow and chillness that could kill a person wasn't all that he could expect.The worse was yet to come. He was heading towards the most dangerous mountain to scale. It is considered to be one of the most sensitive avalanche-prone areas. And there he stood unprepared mentally and physically. Thoughts of going back dominated his mind. He did not know how to overcome the conflict in his mind.

He stood there waiting for his mind to decide as the chill winds froze him outside while he boiled with turmoil in his mind. He could hear the lyrics way back in his mind.
 Waiting on the first step
Show me where the key is kept
Point me down the right line because it's time
 - Pink Floyd 

As he stood, he could feel the urge to go back, subside from his mind. The longing for an answer that he had been looking for overtook him. He began moving towards his destination expecting to encounter with  trekkers on the path. Admiration of the  physiological  greatness of the place engulfed his mind.

He reminded himself of the significance of the name given to the mountains , "The Harvest Goddess".And so he fell into an isle of his own thoughts, of the beautify of the goddess and  her magnanimity. He remembered the story that his grandmother narrated.

            "You can meet the Harvest Goddess by throwing a gift into her pond. She'll also pop up from time to time to congratulate you as you raise your farm degree levels. You are the only one who can see her though. " 
The unseemly journey has to halt for the moment. the weather worsened, nothing could be seen or felt. It was just ice that prevailed. 


................ to be continued..............